Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pornography on American Airlines.

Personally I feel that pornography does not belong in public venues if you cannot censor it.  People have the right to not be offended by the actions of others.  To not censor pornography on an airline, you are opening up many conflicts of nature that individuals in today's society would not be mature enough to handle.  Where do you draw the line on social issues? If they were to allow porn, what's next?  Seems like the biggest hobby of many people today is pushing the envelope by attempting to push the limits of what's acceptable and what is not.  Let's say that hypothetically, porn was acceptable viewing on an airplane.  How long before horny teenagers and adults alike are requesting a boom boom room?  How long before inappropriate private acts become public and we have to explain things to our children before we felt it was the right time?   I think it's time to draw the line in America and start catoring to the needs of the majority and quit giving such a loud voice to the minority.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Illegal Immigration Image

Block 2: Who's the Victim Here?

Brent Staples was a man that was misunderstood in the mid 1900's due to many stereotypes and racial barriers of his time.  Unfortunately, it was the general idealization in that time period that Black people were all criminals and no good would come out of associating with someone of that background.  Mr. Staples seems to have made it through that time with an attitude of indifference towards the way he was treated back then.  Sadly it was the norm and many fell into a state of contentment, with an underlying feeling of a need for change.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Illegal Immigration in America

Illegal immigration is a growing concern among citizens of the United States. Debates continue to heat up in forums across the country on the different aspects of immigration. Many people are decidedly against immigration do to the negative effects it has on the economy, realestate, the job market, and the safety and security of our cities. Crime has been increasing in major populations of border towns in the last 20 years and a large majority of it can be attributed to the devious activities of illegal aliens. Drug trafficking, human traficking, burglary and many other crimes even as violent as rape and murder can be directly linked to people whom have entered the country illegally. Due to the increase in crime, property values in once rural suburban areas have plummeted. This has caused wealthier families to seek refuge in areas outside the cities to try and get away from the epedimic onslaught of troublemakers that don't even have the right to be here. Also, many parents have become unable to find work to support their families because employers would rather hire cheap labor off the books than have to worry about taxes. Illegal immigrants provide that labor. I do not believe that all persons that enter the country illegally do so with ill intentions, but if they had nothing to hide, they'd do it the right way.